Saturday, December 13, 2014

Joy Luck Club: Essay

         In the book The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan is mainly about mothers and their daughters' misunderstandings and miscommunications. Some mothers and daughters may get a long, but some may not. There are sayings that, "When you're five, she's goddess. You smear your face with her lipstick and model her earrings and high heels, wanting to be just like mommy. That's the way it is until you' re about thirteen, when she suddenly becomes the most ignorant...out-of-touch creature on the planet, and you can't get far away from her. Your primary form of interaction for the next five years or so will be a single word, 'Mooooommm!' And then, somewhere between your twenties and your thirties, if you're lucky, she becomes your best friend again"( Some may disagree due to others may have encountered different situations. For example, a mother and a daughter may just have a natural bond that is unbreakable. Another example, is mothers and daughters may not get a long as much due to either cultural or generational differences or the competition between girls. In The Joy Luck Club there are four Chinese mothers: Lindo Jong, Suyuan Woo, An-mei Hsu, and Ying-ying St. Clair and four Chinese daughters: Waverly Jong, Jing-mei(June) Woo, Rose Hsu Jordan, and Lena St. Clair each all have problems with each other.
Waverly Jong and Jing-mei(June) Woo both have Chinese mothers that pushed them to be something that they were not happy to be. For example, Waverly Jong's mother, Lindo Jong, pushed her to be in chess tournaments. Also, when Waverly was nine she won the national chess championship. Waverly's mother was so obsessed with her competing in chess to where her brothers had to do her chore for her so she can practice. Her mother also made her stop playing with the other children. Waverly did not mind playing chess for her mother, until her mother started to show her off to around town and so she decided to run away, but of coarse she came back to her mother. In Jing-mei(June) Woo's case it is similar to Waverly's problem, her mother, Suyuan Woo, too pushed her to be something that she was not pleased to be. Her mother wanted her to be a prodigy, a Chinese Shirley Temple, also just like Waverly, so her mother made her imitate videos of Shirley Temple and memorize impressive facts. Just like Waverly, Jing-mei grew tired of her mother due to of her mother bragging about her and how she was so talented. After Jing-mei's mother gave up on her being a Chinese Shirley Temple, she then pushed her to be a pianist. When it was Jing-mei's competition day at church she decided to not practice her piece, so that she would make her mother look bad in front of the Joy Luck members. When Jing-mei did this she felt bad because she knew she had let her mother down and the fact that her mother did not say anything to her. The reason why these two mothers and daughters disagree with each other was because of generational differences because their daughters where born in America they were surrounded by different cultures, people, places, etc from their mothers.
Rose Hsu Jordan had a mother that cared for her, but she did not notice it. Rose's mother, An-mei Hsu, feels that she is not handling her marriage because her marriage was going down hill. An-mei being a mother warned Rose that her husband, Ted Jordan, was cheating on her with someone else, but she did not believe her. Then Ted sends Rose a check for tem thousand dollars with the divorce papers, when she finally realized that her mother was right she was devastated and became depressed. Rose's mother told her that she was lacking "the element of wood" meaning she is not strong by herself and depends on other people's opinion. Her mother told her this to teach her the Chinese way and for Rose to have a Chinese attitude that is inherited along the maternal line. This shows that An-mei tried to help her daughter to be a strong woman, they had a small misunderstanding due to generational differences.
Lena St. Clair's mother, Ying-ying St. Clair, always had something bad to say about anything Lena did. For example, when her mother was trying to make her finish her rice at meals, Ying-ying would tell her that, "future husband have one pock mark for every rice you not finish"(Tan 151). Lena's mother also accepted her Americanness, she did not want to die without teaching her the Chinese way. Even though Ying-ying knows that Lena will not listen to her, but she will try her best because she loves her. This shows that even though Lena will resist her mother's suggestions, her mother will still try to teach her culture.
Although all four Chinese mothers and their daughters had their own different problems, but all of their problems resulted because of cultural or generational differences. In this book The Joy Luck Club shows how immigrants from China, that have immigrated here, have daughter problems due  to they were raised in a different environment than their mothers'. Other reasons why mothers and daughters do not get along that much because of mothers wanting their daughters to do better than what they could not have done. For this being the reason the daughter feels that she is being forced to do or to be that does not please herself. There are other ways in approaching situations like this for mothers.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Latin Roots #7

   ·duc(t), dice (to lead): conduct, reduce, education, abduct, deductive
 ·fed(er), fid(e) (faith, trust): federal, confidence,  infidel, bona fide, confide
 ·fin(e) (end, limit): finish, confine, infinitesimal, affinity, infinity
 ·flect, flex (to blend): deflect, reflex, reflector, flexibility, genuflect, flexor

 ·aqueduct: a large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance;  The aqueduct helps farmers to water their crops.
 ·conducive: tending to lead, help, assist, or result in;  The conducive shepherd led his sheep into the barn.
 ·definitive: completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative;  The judges definitive scores determined the winner.
 ·fidelity: faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; When couples marry they must keep their fidelity towards each other.
 ·fiduciary: an individual who holds something in today for another; Fiduciary cops will keep evidence for the trial.
 ·finale: a "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; My team finally came to a finale team name and it was the crunks.
 ·finite: limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; Their finite rule did not allow us to ask more than five questions.
 ·flexuous: winding in and out;
 ·inducement: anything used or given to persuade or motivate; Being a lawyer you must be a good inducement and talkative person.
 ·inflection: a slight change in front or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis; In Spanish yo must have an inflection when pronouncing the words with an accent.
 ·perfidious: characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; Back then when you are perfidious to your king you are to be killed.
 ·traduce: to speak falsely of; Some lawyers at time traduce about their case to prove their innocent.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Diction Handouts

Low or Informal Diction:
1.) Example of a Jargon: awash

Elevated Language or Formal Diction:
2.) a. Elongated: unusually long in relation to its width - "But at once I saw something long and pale floating very close to the ladder."
     b. Phosphorescent: is when something glows with light without becoming hot to the touch - "Before I can form a guess a faint flash of a glowing light,..."
     c. Elusive: difficult to find, catch or achieve - "... which seemed to issue suddenly from the naked body of man, flickered in the sleeping water with the silent play of summer lightning in a night sky."
     d. Cadaverous: resembling a corpse in being pale, thin, or bony - "... the long legs, the broad livid back immersed right up to that neck in the greenish pale glow."

3.) The use of an elevated language contributes to the tone by making the writing into formal writing and a higher reading level for readers. Paraphrasing the passage affects the tone by creating the writing to where all different levels of reading can understand the passage.

Abstract & Concrete Diction:
4.) Floating · Saw · Dropped · Climbed


Denotation & Connotation Diction:
6.) a. Denotation: resembling a corpse on being very pale, thin, bony
Connotation: negative feeling, sickness
     b. Denotation: of or relating to growing darkness
Connotation: negative feeling, doom
     c. Denotation: light in color
Connotation: a dead corpse
     d. Denotation: glowing with light
Connotation: bright
     e. Denotation: causing horror or fear
Connotation: scary doom
     f. Denotation: having no head
Connotation: mindless
     g. Denotation: like a fish
Connotation: cold, slimy

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Latin Roots #6

-corp(or) (body): corpse, corporation, corps, corpuscle, corporeal
-cred (to believe, to trust): credo, credit, discredit, credence
-cur(r), cuts, course (to run, to flow): current, excursion, discourse
-dic(t) (to speak, to say): diction, indication, edict, jurisdiction, dictionary

-benediction: the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or star of blessedness; The purpose of a benediction is to not bring destruction to your enemies.
-concourse: a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; A long concourse extended gin the main lobby of the airport check-in counters.
-concurrent: occurring at three same time; meeting or acting together; Things that occur concurrently happen at the and same time.
-corporal:  relates to the physical body; Corporal actions do not solve problems.
-corpulent: very stout; fleshy and obese; fat; Corpulent people are not slender.
-credibility: the quality of being believable or trustworthy; A person with absolute credibility can be easily believed.
-credulity: the(naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof; Simpleminded credulity can lead one to believe incredible tales.
-cursory: don't in a superficial or hasty manner; A cursory examination is not as thorough as it might have been.
-dictum: an authoritative or maxim; Every actor or actresses have their dictum.
-incorporate: to form into one body our functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole; To incorporate is not to take things apart.
-incredulous: not believing, skeptical, or doubting; An incredulous smile is unlikely to suggest skepticism.
-indicative: characteristic of or very much like, suggestive; Restless sleep and bad dream may be indicative of a troubled mind.

Literature Analysis- The Memory Keeper's Daughter

Part I: The book The Memory Keeper's Daughter written by Kim Edwards is about a married couple who had fraternal twins, but the girl had down syndrome and so the father, David, gave orders to the nurse, Caroline, to take the baby girl away. David had told his wife, Norah, their baby boy, Paul, was the only one to survive. Caroline bring such a kind hearted person did not want to leave the baby girl at a care place, so she kept the baby as het own and named her Pheobe. As Pheobe grew up she finally found out about her real parents and her fraternal twin brother. Caroline brought her to Norah, and she was shocked, but after David died of heart attack them three, Norah, Paul, and Pheobe lived together to catch up.

Part II: The main theme of this novel was think before you act because it will affect your future. I believe that the author chose this topic due to the possibility she was a child with sickness and was declined from the family of she might have been a mother of a special needs kid. I also believe that Edwards chose the father to decline the cold because maybe her father declined her or maybe because a newly father might have gotten scared.

Part III: I think the protagonist is dynamic braid she changes when she found out about her real parents. The protagonist is also round because she is always happy. David is another main character of the story because he is the father of Pheobe, the main character.

Part IV: The nurse symbolized the child's savior because Caroline basically rescues Pheobe from living in the care house and not ever knowing her real parents. I believe it reveals that that family of Pheobe did not know she exists except for the father.

Part V: I chose this book because I was suppose to read this book for my first assignment, but I got lazy and read The Giver that is how I came to read this book, The Memory Keeper's Daughter. What made me keep reading was when I found out that father gave away a special needs child.

Part VI: I can connect when David and Norah had babies to my cousin just had her baby. I can also connect my dad taking on a struggling kid to Caroline taking in a Pheobe with be in.

Part VII: The thing I will always remember is to take in a special needs kid when I get older.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Greek Drama: Out of Ritual Questions

1) The dancing choruses of worshippers began to competing for prizes like a bull or a goat.

2) As many as fourteen thousand spectators gathered in the open-air Theater of Dionysos to watch playwrights chosen by the city magistrates competed for prizes in tragedy and comedy.

3) These masks had exaggerated mouthpieces that amplified the actor's voices-an ancient solution to the problem resolved by microphones.

4) For Greek audiences watching Antigone, dispenser did not come from their anxiety admit what would harken next, because they already knew the story. Suspense came from their knowledge of things the characters on stage did not know.

5) Horrified by this prediction, they gave their baby to a shepherd with orders to leave the infant to die on a lonely mountainside with his ankles pinned together.

6) "What creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

7) Oedipus' children were Polyneices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene.

8) Jocasta's brother, Creon, took over Thebes.

9) Crown considered Eteocles an ally and gave him a hero's burial, he considered Polyneices a traitor, so he decreed that his body be left unburied, to rot in the sun outside the city gates.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Antigone Quick Write

If I somehow time traveled to an island with my two dead brothers and an alive sister and my uncle declared himself as king. Also, my uncle only buried the least favorite brother of mine, but not my other brother because they fought and killed each other. I would do everything in my power to bury my other loving brother. First, I would try to convince my uncle to bury both of them by begging him. For example, I would probably bribe him with money and treasures that I will search for. Of that does not happen I will ask my sister to help me bury our brother and if she refuses I will try to manipulate her by saying that she is a disgrace to our family. Also, I would try to make her help me by telling her that I will protect her from harm and from being killed. Finally, if nothing works I will do it myself even if it kills me.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Reaction Webinar

1). I think why people do not think through about the things that we eat is mainly because the food we eat was delicious. Another reason is probably because you have an empty stomach and you could technically easy anything that will satisfy your stomach. From my point of view I watch everything I eat whether it's junk food to healthy food. For example, two years ago I was at my friend house and I ate tacos and I thought it was delicious, but I didn't know it was cow tongue. After I found or about that I will never eat cow tongue.

2). I think it is good and bad that we have more food choices due to some food choices could be fake and unhealthy, for example chicken nuggets from McDonald's. It is also good that we have different food choices because we can substitute the unhealthy food for healthy food.

3). The thing that shocked me the most from "A Case of Eating dogs" is that forty-four state allows people eat dogs. I do think Foer makes a valid argument.

4). Yes I do agree with Foer that, "some animals are more equal than others." For example, pigs, cows, and cattles are slaughtered more than cats and dogs. Yes those animals are farm animals, but horses are not slaughtered.

5). I think that some cultures eat doc for good luck or because of their belief. Also, maybe because they like the taste of it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Latin Roots #5


- cent(i) (hundred): century, centipede, centennial, centigrade, centimeter
- cid(e), cist(e) (cut, kill): homocide, incision, suicide, scissors, circumcise
- clam, claim (cry out, declare): clamor, exclaim, proclaim, disclaim
- cord, cour (heart): accord, courage, encouraged, cordiform, cordate


- bicentennial: (related to) a celebration of a 200th anniversary; The school's bicentennial party is going to be tomorrow for the reopening.
- centenarian: a person who has lived to be 100 years old; My grandmother is a centenarian old lady.
- centurion: a Roman officer commanding 100 men; The centurion of the navy army was my cousin due to his hard work made him leader.
- clamorous: characterized by continuous loud and complaining voices; There was a very irritating clamorous chatter in the conference room where they discussed about the student's schedule.
- concise: covering much in few words; The student was very concise with his words.
- concordance: a condition of harmony or agreement; People in the court room came to a concordance.
- cordial: of the heart, warm or friendly; The cordial old lady gave the poor boy a piece of candy.
- discordant: (sounding) harsh or inharmonious; A discordant person never gets their way because they are very rude and harsh.
- genocide: the systematic extermination of an ethnic group; The genocides eliminated the full of girls.
- incisive: keenly penetrating;
- proclamation: an official statement or announcement that informs or honors; The proclamation taught all of us kids to do good.
- reclaim: to claim again or to restore to former importance or usefulness; When the boy came to reclaim his skateboard, they had lost it so they had bought him a new skateboard.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Latin Roots #4

- bon/boun: good
- capu/capt: head, chief, leader
- carn(i): flesh
- ced(e)/ceed/cress: go, yield, surrender and Cadice.
- accession: the attainment of a certain rank or dignity;
- bona fide: in good faith, genuine; The old lady rewarded the boy for doing a bona fide act.
- bonanza: a sudden and unexpected source of money or richness; Singers bonanza by their music.
- bounteous: inclined to be generous; The bounteous girl accepted no reward for her good deeds.
- capitulation: a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions; The capitulation happened due to the safety of the people.
- carnage: a great slaughter, as in a battle; The great carnage between Russia and Japan was stopped by the Americans.
- carnivorous: flesh-eating, as an animal; Lions are carnivorous animals there for they are at the top of the food chain.
- incarnate: a literally, in the flesh; The incarnate was disgusting.
- intercede: to act on another's behalf; The criminal's lawyer intercede for him on trial day.
- precedent: a previous act or decision taken as a valid model; The team used the same play every time because it was reliable and precedent.
- recapitulation: a brief repetition; After the teacher read the story a student told a capitulation of the story.
- reincarnation: a thing that is reborn; The Greeks believed in reincarnation.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Literature Analysis- The Giver

1.) A boy finding out his true self that is different from this peers. While figuring out his self he is introduced to baby Gabriel from his father's work. When he turned twelve he was chosen to be a Receiver. After a few trainings with the Giver things have suddenly changed.

2.) The Giver is about an eleven year old boy that lives in a utopia place. People there rode only bicycles and were not allowed to notice or say the differences between people, meaning you are suppose to be kind and caring. Jonas was different from his peers and so was the baby boy named Gabriel. As soon as Jonas was going to be a twelve and was chosen by the Giver to be a Reciever-in-training things have changed.

3.) I chose tis book without thinking about it, but as I got more into the book I realized that I have read this book already. I am actually glad that I chose this book because then it refreshed my memories about this book. No book is appealing to me, but I am learning to like to read by reading books that interests me the most. I kept reading this book, one because I wanted to know the events that I have forgotten when I read it and two is because it was actually a very interesting book to read.

4.) No, I did not find the book realistic because there is no such place as a utopia. There is no place where there are no worries. I connected Lily, Jonas' little sister, to my little brother, Cyril, because they are both a chatterbox. Also, they do not watch what they say.

5.) Lois Lowry uses very little figures of speech and her audience between ages 12-15 could understand. Her tone is a way where when Jonas discovers new things about himself.

6.) ·Alliteration- "Squinting toward the sky, he had seen the sleek jet, almost a blur at its high speed, go past, and a second later heard the blast of sound that followed"(Lowry1).
·Imagery- "He only saw the abandoned bikes here and there on their sides ; an unturned wheel on one was still revolving slowly"Lowry2).
·Imagery- "Then it was in his hand, and he looked at it carefully, but it was the same apple.
·Sensory Detail- "He passed the Childcare Center where Lily stayed after school, and the play areas surrounding it"(Lowry27).
·Hyperbole- "Pedaling rapidly down the path, Jonas felt oddly proud to have joined those who took the pills"(Lowry39).
·Hyperbole- "The audience howled with laughter"(Lowry54).
·Imagery- "He couldn't seem to stop, though for each lapse the discipline wand came again, escalating to a series of painful lashes that left marks on Asher's legs"(Lowry55).
·Symbolism- "...flattened, nearing the bottom, the sled's forward motion slowed"(Lowry82).
·Diction- "Dumbfounded, he stared at it"(Lowry93).
·Imagery- "He stared at the flat, colorful sky, bringing blue from it, and remembered sunshine until finally, for an instant, he could feel warmth"(Lowry106).

1.) -Indirect Characterization:
·"'I'm feeling apprehensive,' he confessed..."(Lowry).
·"'I enjoy the Naming,' Jonas said"(Lowry11).
-Direct Characterization
·"Jonas had been thinking already about teaching Lily"(Lowry13).
·"Jonas basically picked up an apple from the basket where the snacks were kept..."Lowry23).

2.) Yes the author's syntax and diction change when she focuses on the characters because Jonas was changing due to him becoming the Receiver.

3.) The protagonist is a static because he adapts to how different he is from his peers and changes because he has left his usual environment.

4.) Yes I did feel like my friend relates to this character. How my friend is always curious and would change to fit in.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Demeter & Persephone- Myth Cluster with the Bruthers


~ Demeter:
· Goddess of the Harvest; can control that growth of the corps/plants
· Symbolized by the cornucopia/stalk of wheat
· Persephone's mother
· Zeus' wife
· Zeus' and Hades' sister

~ Persephone:
· Goddess of Vegetation
· A.K.A Queen of the Underworld
· Symbolized by Pomegranates

~ Hades:
· Good of the Underworld
· Zeus' and Demeter's brother
· Persephone's uncle/husband
· Owns a three-headed dog named Ceberus

~ Grassy grills in the Nysian Mountains
Main Plot:
~ Hades claims Persephone as his wife in result Demeter gets upset that she stopped the crops that the humans grew, leading to Zeus becoming upset because he does not get his offers from the humans. As Hades reforms Persephone back to Demeter he feeds her six pomegranates seeds meaning Persephone would have to go back to the Underworld half off the year.

Main Conflict:
~ Demeter gets upset due to she wants Persephone back from Hades therefore she stopped the crops from growing leading to many dead humans and Zeus not getting his offers.
This Myth Attempts to Explain:
~ How tell seasons came to be. For example, Autumn and winter are the times when Persephone is with Hades. Summer and spring are the time when Persephone is with Demeter.

Yasss👉 Bruthers: Candice Joy Corpuz & Analiese Ramirez

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Latin Words #3

-aud(it) (hear): audience, auditorium, audition
-avi (bird): aviation, aviculture, aviatrix
-bell(i) (war): rebellion, rebel, belligerent, postbellum
-ben(e) (good, well): benefit, benevolent, benediction, benefice, benison

-antebellum: before, especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war; The antebellum of the world has completely changed.
-audit: to check or examine a company's financial records; The man very closely audit the man's company due to he was very suspicious.
-auditory: related to the sense or hearing; My cousins auditory had lots of wonderful comments on the performances.
-avian: characteristic of or pertaining to birds;
-aviary: an elaborate structure for housing birds; The bird house that my neighbor built was such a beautiful aviary.
-avionics: the technology of using electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight; The soldiers attacked the Germans with avionics and won the battle.
-bellicose: eager to fight or quarrel; hostile; The bellicose thief gave the cop a black eye.
-belligerency: the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action; The student took a belligerency action towards the bully.
-benefactor: a person who gives another financial help; a patron; The benefactor was very helpful for the poor man who had financial problems.
-beneficiary: one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy; The beneficiary man received $100 every month due to he was laid off.
-benign: not malignant; gracious and kindly; good-natured; The nice benign woman was very proper when she drank her coffee.
-inaudible: unable to be heard; The movie became inaudible on my favorite part because my friend sat on the remote.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Latin Roots #2

-anni; anni; enni(year): anniversary, semiannual, biennial
-aqua; aque(water): aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium, aqualung;
-arm(arm, weapon): army, alarm, disarm, armory, armor
-art(art, craft, skill): artistic, artificial, inarticulate, automobile, article, artifice;

-aqua: water; Aqua mammals do not eat dry food.
-aquaculture: the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants, especially fish, shellfish and seaweed inn natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments, underwater agriculture; Sharks cannot get out of the ocean or their water habitat.
-aqueous: of, like, or formed by water; THE bed was aqueous.
-armada: a fleet of warships; The modern armadas are more powerful than back then.
-armature: equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering am alike extension; Soldiers use armature for battle.
-armistice: a temporary suspension off hostilities by mutual hand; simple our preliminary to peace treaty; USA has lots of armistice with other countries.
-artifact: any object produced by the art of human hand; My friends grandma has an Indian artifact.
-artifice: cunning ingenuity, clever or sly, tricky;
-artisan: a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft; The artisan made a beautiful pot.
-millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity, a thousand years; For many millenniums we have peace in America.
-perennial: year after year, throughout the years, a plant that blooms annually; The perennial winner had lots of prizes.
-superannuated: worn out, our retired from age and years of use our hard work, obsolete or outdated; That car is superannuated.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Journal Entry

    If I could live in any place I would probably most likely go back Home. My real home is where my dad and his ten Putney brothers and sisters were raised. My home is in the Metro Manila, Philippines. I lived there when I was 4 years old unto I moved here in the states when I was 7 years old. In my house my aunt lives there, and close to my house is my mom's house, but I don't visit or talk to get anymore. I love my family's original home because I get to live with my cousins and my yaya. Yaya means a maid or someone that takes care of you, but my yaya it's like my older sister that I have never had.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mythology Questions

#1. Who am I? How do I relate to that universe? What must I do in order to survive? How much control do I have over my life?

#2. Rebirth. First parents are often the gods off sky and earth. Strength. Unusual birth.

#3. Most of the major cultures start with the beginning of the universe- a chaotic, formless mass that a god/pair of gods separate.

#4. The heroic myths and epics of a society teach its members the appropriate attitudes, behavior, and values off that culture.

#5. Their imperfections allow ordinary people to identify with them and to like them, for everyone had similar psychological needs and conflicts.

#6. The political, economic, social and religious foundation of the matriarch society was agriculture year.

#7. Viewed myths as symbols off the external environment.

#8. Their mouths demonstrate that they possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world on which they live in.

Week 1

Yes, I do not think that there are any factors that will affect my participation our experience in class. For example, I do not get home until 10:30 at night due to my dad works late. This also affects my schedule and I do not have rides to places, like to the library or just to go print paper out for homework.

I have not experienced a fun learning yet, besides P.E.

I am concerned that I will fall behind and fail this class. I am excited to be in this class because I have never been in a smart people English because I am bad at English. I look forward learning how to write a perfect essay. I think that learning how to write a perfect or close to perfect it will help me on my SAT and ACT.

Latin Root Words #1

act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
ali, alter: another, other
am: at/ to love
anim: life, spirit, soul
-agenda: a list, plan, or an outline that is to be done; Writing my homework in my agenda helps me keep on track.
-agile: quick and well-coordinated movement; The ballerina was very agile when she performed.
-alienate: to make indifferent or hostile; He had alienated his entire family.
-altercation: a heated or angry dispute;
-amiable: having or showing pleasant; The teacher was amiable.
-amorous: snowing or expressing love; She smiled and at once he became amorous of her.
-animated: made or equipped to move or give the appearance of in an animal like fashion; My favorite animated cartoons are the old cartoon TV show, like Tom and Jerry.
-equanimity: mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain; My friend is a shy equanimity when it comes to meeting new people.
-inalienable: not transferable; The immigrant was an alienable.
-inanimate: not animate, lifeless, spiritless, dull; The inanimate movie made me fall asleep.
-magnanimous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury, noble; My magnanimous friend forgave the girl that hit her.
-reactionary: opposing political or social change; There are groups of reactionary when they're is a law being passed.

Characteristic Trait Chart

"First Born"

Sunday, August 24, 2014

"First Born"

    I am the oldest child in my current household, but in reality I am the middle child of two boys, and I am the only girl. Being the "first born" child often come on to "flavors" compliant nuturers/caregivers or aggressive movers and shakers. Being the first born I have character traits that will keep me in a superior position over my younger siblings. There is a positive side and a negative side to being the oldest sibling, but mostly us older child are just trying to help our younger sibling to succeed better than us.

    One character trait that have for being the oldest is I am highly motivated. I like to motivate my friends, family and other people who need motivating. I just love motivating people because it makes me feel good and I feel special when I am able to help people. Motivating others makes me feel that I did something good and that I actually help them. Also, the reason why I like motivating people is because I like it when people depend on me. For example, my friends turn to me when they are down on something and they depend on me to make them happy again. I am a very positive person once out comes to helping people motivate themselves.

    Another character trait that I highly agree that first born have is that we like to be on control. I agree that we first born like to be in control because we feel the need to be in charge due to we are the oldest, and we have to keep our younger siblings on track. For example, I always demand my little brother to do something. By doing this it makes me feel responsible and that I have power over my younger sibling. At times I do not like to be in charge, and now that I think about it I think it is probably because I really am a middle child. I feel the need to be in control because it makes me feel secure.

    Perfectionist is another character trait that we first child have. I very much agree because I am myself a perfectionist. Meaning if I mess up on my paper or a project that I want to be perfect, I will start over just to make it perfect. I just like everything perfect when I want it to be. For example, when I clean my, and my dad tries to help clean I get upset because I want it too be my way. Also, I get upset when mommy dad tries to help because he just starts organizing to fast and sometimes he puts things where I do not want it to be there. When I feel like things are not where I want it or something is not good enough I get irritated.

    My leading career according to the prediction is that I will be in a career that I am leader. This prediction it's true for me because I would like to be a clinical psychologist. Being a clinical psychologist allows you to be the bigger person. It also allows me be in control and to motivate people. For example. I can be motivating mentally ill people that have attempt of suicide. Therefore I can prevent accidents and other type off events from happening.

    I got perfectly in both the middle child and the oldest child category because I have both characteristic traits. Most of the time I consider my the oldest child due to I do not see my older brother. Being the "oldest child" has its positive side, like I am the oldest and my little brother looks up to me. But of coarse there is a negative side to it, like I have to take most of the blame that my little brother did.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Does School Kill Creativity?

Students in schools now days are only taught to learn the A-G classes one way and that is to learn from the book, but what about the arts. For example, schools do not require the students to take band, dance, art, etc. Now a days no has time for those extra curriculum that us students enjoy. You will notice that in most schools the students only focus on the A-G classes, and not have an open class for band, art, etc. Schools are like this now because the teachers are paid to make you pass their class therefore that teacher is only down for business and there is no time for a fun way of learning. But it is different for those who have special needs. Well, I think that we are all the same whether or not you have special needs. All students should have some type of class that is arts. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Six Word Memoir. #mroworldlit #sixwords -> "Love is a four legged word"

Check out Crystal-Bianca Hernandez's post on Vine!
//Defines how much I LOVE and care for animals. // 🐶🍴😍

My six word memoir could stand for a lot of things that can describe my personalities. One way that you can understand this six word memoir is that I love animals. I think they are just the cutest things ever. Specialy big fluffy dogs, thy are just my favorite, but my favorite dog is a pit bull. I love pit bulls because I think they are nice and just adorable, but people tend to misjudged them in bad ways. I have a guinea pig and I've had her since I was in the sixth grade her name is Buhbus. Another way that you can understand this six word memoir is that I am very joyful. For example, most animals are joyful and as much as possible I always try to put a big smile on my face everyday.