Saturday, September 27, 2014

Literature Analysis- The Giver

1.) A boy finding out his true self that is different from this peers. While figuring out his self he is introduced to baby Gabriel from his father's work. When he turned twelve he was chosen to be a Receiver. After a few trainings with the Giver things have suddenly changed.

2.) The Giver is about an eleven year old boy that lives in a utopia place. People there rode only bicycles and were not allowed to notice or say the differences between people, meaning you are suppose to be kind and caring. Jonas was different from his peers and so was the baby boy named Gabriel. As soon as Jonas was going to be a twelve and was chosen by the Giver to be a Reciever-in-training things have changed.

3.) I chose tis book without thinking about it, but as I got more into the book I realized that I have read this book already. I am actually glad that I chose this book because then it refreshed my memories about this book. No book is appealing to me, but I am learning to like to read by reading books that interests me the most. I kept reading this book, one because I wanted to know the events that I have forgotten when I read it and two is because it was actually a very interesting book to read.

4.) No, I did not find the book realistic because there is no such place as a utopia. There is no place where there are no worries. I connected Lily, Jonas' little sister, to my little brother, Cyril, because they are both a chatterbox. Also, they do not watch what they say.

5.) Lois Lowry uses very little figures of speech and her audience between ages 12-15 could understand. Her tone is a way where when Jonas discovers new things about himself.

6.) ·Alliteration- "Squinting toward the sky, he had seen the sleek jet, almost a blur at its high speed, go past, and a second later heard the blast of sound that followed"(Lowry1).
·Imagery- "He only saw the abandoned bikes here and there on their sides ; an unturned wheel on one was still revolving slowly"Lowry2).
·Imagery- "Then it was in his hand, and he looked at it carefully, but it was the same apple.
·Sensory Detail- "He passed the Childcare Center where Lily stayed after school, and the play areas surrounding it"(Lowry27).
·Hyperbole- "Pedaling rapidly down the path, Jonas felt oddly proud to have joined those who took the pills"(Lowry39).
·Hyperbole- "The audience howled with laughter"(Lowry54).
·Imagery- "He couldn't seem to stop, though for each lapse the discipline wand came again, escalating to a series of painful lashes that left marks on Asher's legs"(Lowry55).
·Symbolism- "...flattened, nearing the bottom, the sled's forward motion slowed"(Lowry82).
·Diction- "Dumbfounded, he stared at it"(Lowry93).
·Imagery- "He stared at the flat, colorful sky, bringing blue from it, and remembered sunshine until finally, for an instant, he could feel warmth"(Lowry106).

1.) -Indirect Characterization:
·"'I'm feeling apprehensive,' he confessed..."(Lowry).
·"'I enjoy the Naming,' Jonas said"(Lowry11).
-Direct Characterization
·"Jonas had been thinking already about teaching Lily"(Lowry13).
·"Jonas basically picked up an apple from the basket where the snacks were kept..."Lowry23).

2.) Yes the author's syntax and diction change when she focuses on the characters because Jonas was changing due to him becoming the Receiver.

3.) The protagonist is a static because he adapts to how different he is from his peers and changes because he has left his usual environment.

4.) Yes I did feel like my friend relates to this character. How my friend is always curious and would change to fit in.


  1. I remember reading this book. I liked it, but I totally agree that there's never been any type of utopian society in this world.

  2. I like the way you explained the book. I might read this for my next lit analysis.

  3. I had read this book in 7th grade and it was really good! I'd read it again but I don't know if he will allow that.

  4. I also recall reading this book and I absolutely loved it, I would totally read it again for fun lol.
