Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Latin Roots #2

-anni; anni; enni(year): anniversary, semiannual, biennial
-aqua; aque(water): aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium, aqualung;
-arm(arm, weapon): army, alarm, disarm, armory, armor
-art(art, craft, skill): artistic, artificial, inarticulate, automobile, article, artifice;

-aqua: water; Aqua mammals do not eat dry food.
-aquaculture: the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants, especially fish, shellfish and seaweed inn natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments, underwater agriculture; Sharks cannot get out of the ocean or their water habitat.
-aqueous: of, like, or formed by water; THE bed was aqueous.
-armada: a fleet of warships; The modern armadas are more powerful than back then.
-armature: equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering am alike extension; Soldiers use armature for battle.
-armistice: a temporary suspension off hostilities by mutual hand; simple our preliminary to peace treaty; USA has lots of armistice with other countries.
-artifact: any object produced by the art of human hand; My friends grandma has an Indian artifact.
-artifice: cunning ingenuity, clever or sly, tricky;
-artisan: a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft; The artisan made a beautiful pot.
-millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity, a thousand years; For many millenniums we have peace in America.
-perennial: year after year, throughout the years, a plant that blooms annually; The perennial winner had lots of prizes.
-superannuated: worn out, our retired from age and years of use our hard work, obsolete or outdated; That car is superannuated.

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