Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Latin Roots #4

- bon/boun: good
- capu/capt: head, chief, leader
- carn(i): flesh
- ced(e)/ceed/cress: go, yield, surrender and Cadice.
- accession: the attainment of a certain rank or dignity;
- bona fide: in good faith, genuine; The old lady rewarded the boy for doing a bona fide act.
- bonanza: a sudden and unexpected source of money or richness; Singers bonanza by their music.
- bounteous: inclined to be generous; The bounteous girl accepted no reward for her good deeds.
- capitulation: a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions; The capitulation happened due to the safety of the people.
- carnage: a great slaughter, as in a battle; The great carnage between Russia and Japan was stopped by the Americans.
- carnivorous: flesh-eating, as an animal; Lions are carnivorous animals there for they are at the top of the food chain.
- incarnate: a literally, in the flesh; The incarnate was disgusting.
- intercede: to act on another's behalf; The criminal's lawyer intercede for him on trial day.
- precedent: a previous act or decision taken as a valid model; The team used the same play every time because it was reliable and precedent.
- recapitulation: a brief repetition; After the teacher read the story a student told a capitulation of the story.
- reincarnation: a thing that is reborn; The Greeks believed in reincarnation.

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