Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Latin Root Words #1

act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
ali, alter: another, other
am: at/ to love
anim: life, spirit, soul
-agenda: a list, plan, or an outline that is to be done; Writing my homework in my agenda helps me keep on track.
-agile: quick and well-coordinated movement; The ballerina was very agile when she performed.
-alienate: to make indifferent or hostile; He had alienated his entire family.
-altercation: a heated or angry dispute;
-amiable: having or showing pleasant; The teacher was amiable.
-amorous: snowing or expressing love; She smiled and at once he became amorous of her.
-animated: made or equipped to move or give the appearance of in an animal like fashion; My favorite animated cartoons are the old cartoon TV show, like Tom and Jerry.
-equanimity: mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain; My friend is a shy equanimity when it comes to meeting new people.
-inalienable: not transferable; The immigrant was an alienable.
-inanimate: not animate, lifeless, spiritless, dull; The inanimate movie made me fall asleep.
-magnanimous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury, noble; My magnanimous friend forgave the girl that hit her.
-reactionary: opposing political or social change; There are groups of reactionary when they're is a law being passed.

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