Sunday, August 24, 2014

"First Born"

    I am the oldest child in my current household, but in reality I am the middle child of two boys, and I am the only girl. Being the "first born" child often come on to "flavors" compliant nuturers/caregivers or aggressive movers and shakers. Being the first born I have character traits that will keep me in a superior position over my younger siblings. There is a positive side and a negative side to being the oldest sibling, but mostly us older child are just trying to help our younger sibling to succeed better than us.

    One character trait that have for being the oldest is I am highly motivated. I like to motivate my friends, family and other people who need motivating. I just love motivating people because it makes me feel good and I feel special when I am able to help people. Motivating others makes me feel that I did something good and that I actually help them. Also, the reason why I like motivating people is because I like it when people depend on me. For example, my friends turn to me when they are down on something and they depend on me to make them happy again. I am a very positive person once out comes to helping people motivate themselves.

    Another character trait that I highly agree that first born have is that we like to be on control. I agree that we first born like to be in control because we feel the need to be in charge due to we are the oldest, and we have to keep our younger siblings on track. For example, I always demand my little brother to do something. By doing this it makes me feel responsible and that I have power over my younger sibling. At times I do not like to be in charge, and now that I think about it I think it is probably because I really am a middle child. I feel the need to be in control because it makes me feel secure.

    Perfectionist is another character trait that we first child have. I very much agree because I am myself a perfectionist. Meaning if I mess up on my paper or a project that I want to be perfect, I will start over just to make it perfect. I just like everything perfect when I want it to be. For example, when I clean my, and my dad tries to help clean I get upset because I want it too be my way. Also, I get upset when mommy dad tries to help because he just starts organizing to fast and sometimes he puts things where I do not want it to be there. When I feel like things are not where I want it or something is not good enough I get irritated.

    My leading career according to the prediction is that I will be in a career that I am leader. This prediction it's true for me because I would like to be a clinical psychologist. Being a clinical psychologist allows you to be the bigger person. It also allows me be in control and to motivate people. For example. I can be motivating mentally ill people that have attempt of suicide. Therefore I can prevent accidents and other type off events from happening.

    I got perfectly in both the middle child and the oldest child category because I have both characteristic traits. Most of the time I consider my the oldest child due to I do not see my older brother. Being the "oldest child" has its positive side, like I am the oldest and my little brother looks up to me. But of coarse there is a negative side to it, like I have to take most of the blame that my little brother did.

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