Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ch. 11 Question Review

1. Ralph's group decided to go to Jack's campsite to retrieve Piggy's glasses and try to make them want to keep the fire going to be rescued.

2. The twins saw how Ralph can be when he wants something done. For example, before all of this situation happened Ralph was a calm, collective leader now he is determined and wants to get his point through.

3. The boys are bound to fail at getting Piggy's glasses and getting the other boys to maintain a signal fire is because the savages out number Ralph's group. Also, Jack is a very stubborn kid and will do what ever pleases him.

4. Roger pushes the rock off the cliff to break the conch.

5. The destruction of the conch symbolically significant because now that the conch is gone there is no more civilization.

6. The boys want a chief to lead them and so that they feel secure. The chief leads them and tells them what to do.

7. A) What made you want to turn against Ralph?
B) Why didn't you want Ralph to keep the signal fire going to be rescued? Don't you want to be rescued?

8. It has been hard living in this island, we barely have food, we don't have a signal fire because of Jack's group. Also, Jack's group is ruining everything by not allowing us to create the fire again to be rescued. I don't understand why he does not want to be rescued. Why is he being a savage and why are the other boys following him.
We decided to take back Piggy's glasses and convince the other boys to keep the fire on to find rescue. Sadly in this process Piggy has passed away due to the fact that Roger pushed a rock off the cliff and hit Piggy and broke the conch. Also, Samneric got captured and were tied up together by the savages.

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