Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal

I was a bit disappointed about the end of the novel due to the fact that the author spent every detail to describe Ralph's hiding from the savages and then all of a sudden the boys get rescued. I thought that Golding should have at least included in the end if the Jack, Roger and the other savaged boys ever captured or tortured Ralph.
I think that Ralph cried when at the end of the novel when they got rescued because he felt the relief. It's that feeling when you were little and you got lost in a big place with a lot of people like Disney Land, but you wanted to stay strong to find your parents and then when you find them you just burst into tears. I thought Ralph crying after they were found and rescued was a similar situation to my example because Ralph was the lost kid who wanted to stay strong and find rescue or "his parents" and when he was found he let a happy cry out.
I would actually recommend this book to a friend specifically my age because I would not want my younger siblings to read this book and act like one of the savages.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ch. 11 Question Review

1. Ralph's group decided to go to Jack's campsite to retrieve Piggy's glasses and try to make them want to keep the fire going to be rescued.

2. The twins saw how Ralph can be when he wants something done. For example, before all of this situation happened Ralph was a calm, collective leader now he is determined and wants to get his point through.

3. The boys are bound to fail at getting Piggy's glasses and getting the other boys to maintain a signal fire is because the savages out number Ralph's group. Also, Jack is a very stubborn kid and will do what ever pleases him.

4. Roger pushes the rock off the cliff to break the conch.

5. The destruction of the conch symbolically significant because now that the conch is gone there is no more civilization.

6. The boys want a chief to lead them and so that they feel secure. The chief leads them and tells them what to do.

7. A) What made you want to turn against Ralph?
B) Why didn't you want Ralph to keep the signal fire going to be rescued? Don't you want to be rescued?

8. It has been hard living in this island, we barely have food, we don't have a signal fire because of Jack's group. Also, Jack's group is ruining everything by not allowing us to create the fire again to be rescued. I don't understand why he does not want to be rescued. Why is he being a savage and why are the other boys following him.
We decided to take back Piggy's glasses and convince the other boys to keep the fire on to find rescue. Sadly in this process Piggy has passed away due to the fact that Roger pushed a rock off the cliff and hit Piggy and broke the conch. Also, Samneric got captured and were tied up together by the savages.

Monday, May 25, 2015

LOTF Question Review Ch. 10

1. Ralph had told Piggy about last night, "that was murder" (Golding156). I feel like Ralph is ashamed to talk about what happened to Simon last night beacuase he had paused when he was talking to Samneric, he had said, "you got lost after the..." (Golding158). Piggy had conclude that, "it was an accident" (Golding 157). I felt like Piggy wanted to just forget about it and just to never discuss about it. Samneric claimed that they were, "just been in the forest-- to get wood for fire--" and that they, "got lost last night" (Golding158). Samneric acted very surprised when they saw Ralph, as if he too was suppose to be gone, but when they saw him they acted very normal as if nothing had happened last night.

2. The differences between Ralph's and Jack's feelings about Simon's death was that Ralph had some sense of humanity, that Ralph felt bad. On the other hand Jack just went on his merry way and went on as if nothing had happened. Also, that Ralph had felt it was murder. Jack did not have a care in the world, he also became the head chief of the savages and told the other boys that Simon was the beast.

3. Jack is now described as "The chief was sitting there, naked to the waist, his face blocked out in white and red" (Golding 160). He was angry and wanted to beat up on someone, so they beat up on Wilfred.

4. Jack: *Invades Ralph's camp with Roger*
Roger! Get the conch from Piggy now!
Roger: Yes, Chief.
*Attacks Piggy for the conch*
Piggy: No! Get away you savage!
*Gets an asthma attack*
Roger: *Runs away with the conch* I've got it Chief!
Jack: Let's go!
Ralph: Samneric get the conch back!!
Sam: Eric you go get the conch back!
Eric: Okay and you go chase after Jack!