Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Editorial: Still wrong Ebola Rx

1.  What does Betsy McCaughey identify as a problem in her commentary?
Beyond more training and more protective gear for hospital staff, the CDC is also encouraging states to designate certain hospitals for Ebola preparation.
2.  What solutions does she offer?
A safer strategy would be to expand capacity at the nation’s four bio-containment hospitals, which have treated Ebola patients successfully without the virus spreading to a single health-care worker.
3.  How does infection expert Sean Kaufman view the CDC’s guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola patients?
Sean Kaufman, an infection expert at the bio-containment facility that successfully treated Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol (both infected in Africa) and is now treating Vinson, called the guideline “absolutely irresponsible and dead wrong.”
4.  What point did Rep. Michael Burgess make about CDC head Thomas Frieden?
At a House committee hearing last Thursday, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) held up a photo of CDC chief Frieden in Africa wearing a protective suit that covered him head to toe. Burgess compared it to the flimsy guideline that the CDC had issued for nurses and doctors here.
5.  Ms. McCaughey concludes her commentary by recommending: “The best Ebola strategy is to protect our local hospitals, health-care workers and patients by relying on the nation’s bio-containment facilities. That’s what they were built for.”
a) Do you agree with her recommendation?
Yes, I do agree.
b) Ask a parent to read this commentary and answer this question.
My dad does agree, but also suggests that they also help other facilities and not just our local facilities.

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